API Documentation

The AppSynergy API is used to handle those cases where the built-in drag-and-drop functionality is insufficient. The API is normally called by placing an Event on a Widget using the toolbar. When the event fires it calls your JavaScript code, which can then access all of the objects within your application via this API.

Getting Started

  • Begin by reviewing the namespaces and classes within each namespace (namespaces are shown at the bottom of the menu).
  • After reviewing the namespaces and their classes, the most important classes to focus on are: FieldWidget, RecordWidget, and ReportWidget. The documentation for those widgets will lead you to additional documentation as needed.
  • After your event fires, your code will typically get one or more object references by calling parasql.app.getWidgetById("ID12345"). The ID of each widget is visible on the toolbar.
  • See the BarcodeScannerPanel class if you need to scan barcodes in your app. The example code is normally placed on a button's click event to bring up the panel.
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